Sunday 12 February 2017

161 Of Blackest Night (Black Knights)

Bases and some small detailing to go and these knights are done. Another nice and simple paint scheme on some lovely models.

As with their spearman brothers I found these quite spindly and will have to be careful with them to avoid breakages.

I went with a spectral helm for the leader to give me some link to the Spectral Nighthaunts I hope to do soon.

Something negative I need to put out there is that where these models are made to give you two options from the one kit I do think it means the fit on both types is a little iffy.

Some in progress shots showing how easy the skeleton horses are to get done and look effective. The same as with the spearmen, just a white undercoat and a good coat of Seraphim Sepia.

160 AOS28, INQ28 and Blanchitsu Movement

Welcome fair reader to the darker, grittier side of our merry tale. 

It has long been known that for every dastardly villain there is glittering hero. You will have been told how every action of a ne'erdowell sees our glittering heroes stand ready with acts of valour and honour.

Everything you have been told is a lie.

There has long been a style of art within the traditional Gamesworkshop culture that is more gritty, more manic and more mindbogglingly insane than the mainstream of clean, ordered and manicured art.

Many have influenced this style and many have contributed to it, some even being drawn fully into its family, but there can only really be one father to it and that father is John Blanche.

The early years of Gamesworkshop were moulded by some great artists, great sculptors and great writers. John Blanche is one of those great artists and his influence has been felt greatly down the years with some of the most mind altering art you will have seen. Now as much as his art and his style have influenced the Grim Darkness the mainstream culture of GW has always been more clean.

When the Inquisitor skirmish game popped into existence it started a spark in some key people in the genre and even when Inquisitor and its 54mm scale faded with so many of GWs Specialist Games it hung on grimly in Inq28.

Inq28 embodies the gritty realism of the Grim Dark of the Far Future. Ever hero is a dark troubled soul. Ever villain a complex character of startling complexity. There is no black and white merely shades of insanity.

Many of you will have seen the now regular Blanchitsu article in White Dwarf where the amazing art of John Blanche has transferred into the 3D forms of some amazing models. Not just from John himself back many others.

You may also have been lucky enough to have seen the tale of Pilgrym unfold in the pages of WD or see the amazing Diorama in Warhammer World.

That little tale brought together some of the great story tellers and model makers of the genre in one great narrative of the deepest darkest corners of the Imperium and Inq28.

Coming right upto to date now with the changes from Warhammer Fantasy Battle, which had its own darker side in the for of Mordheim, into Age of Sigmar and its High Fantasy style. The new style of AoS is again much brighter, cleaner and of a more ostentatious style quite out of place with the grittier setting that those of the Inq28 and Mordheim mould felt comfortable with and so now we have the first movements in a new style; AOS28.

AOS28 takes the dark, grim insanity of Inq28 and fits it straight into the worlds of AOS and wow! Already there are some amazing things happening in it!

If you have instgram a quick #AOS28 will show you some amazing models and art. I will be joining this journey in my own way and while a somewhat less impressive way than the amazing things you will see there hopefully I can add something to it even in a small way.