Saturday 6 June 2015

066 Test Update - The Stripping continues

And there you have it, two more or less stripped servitors! There is a little bit of remaining paint in those hard to reach areas but otherwise its all gone.

Now these guys had longer in the pot than I guess they really needed as I was away for a week and they got left in the soak but its not done any harm.

No smells, no residue or anything.

The paint seems to lift of but stays in clumps so sometime you will think nothings moved then you lift a corner and a whole chunk goes.

Used a sculpting tool to get at the bits and the detail and mostly although fiddly it came away without too much issue.

I would have liked something that dissolved it more rather than break up its adhesion but hey it works!

I will be carrying out some more tests including getting hold of the other products some of you suggested so watch this space :-)

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