Tuesday 22 March 2016

116 Progress on the Hit

I have been having a dilema of sorts around my Assassin models.... I just cant decide how I want to highlight the body suits!

I have done the prep; the bases are done, they themselves are under-coated... but still I am umming and ahing over how exactly I want to highlight the suits. bah!

My lithe Calidus Assassin is nimbly jumping down onto this bullet ridden block of concrete...

My Vindicare Assassin will be stealthily concealing himself behind this ruined pillar...

And my grim Culexus Assassin will be stalking forward of this twisted rubble...

But can I decide on the suits themselves?? No! gah

So whats a guy to do? Well to put it simply I cheated and for now am ignoring the suits and sorting all the silly little bits while I wait for inspiration!

Mephiston red is a new colour to me and I like how strong it is, it really covers well.

Pleased with the guys heads, they dont come out too well in the picks but up close they rock :-)

Exitus rifles are also quite easy to sort while you wait for divine inspiration! I used kabalite green as an edge highlight and I think its worked quite nicely.

1 comment:

  1. Nice start already mate! Maybe this will help with the suits: http://taleofpainters.blogspot.nl/2015/09/wip-imperial-callidus-assassin.html
