Saturday 21 March 2015

032 Conversion Perversion

My biggest passion with modelling and painting as a whole has been the ability to convert models from their original design, to adapt them and make them more my own creation. Now quite often these are very minor changes, a head swap, an extra pack or different weapon but even these simple little changes can completely change the model.

I really enjoy the making of the models as well as the painting, something I know a lot of people don’t really share with many people seeing the simpler a model and the lower the part count the better as they are simply barriers to painting or barriers to gaming.

But for me a big part of the fun is fitting all those fiddly bits together and being able to add or omit to make the model mine.

I wont say I am particularly adept at conversions and especially not any complicated ideas with Green Stuff but I am always secretly pleased when I can look at a model and know that if you hadn't seen the original you would think it was a whole new model as created.

You can see here some examples of what I have done in the past, Chaos Marauders switched so barbarian guards men or chaos militia, Beastmen as Abhuman recruits and the even simpler medieval guard recruits or PDF.

I have long thought about getting into conversions that are a little more adventurous but have always erred on the side of a failed conversion is an expensive waste but these days I have started to realise that I am no longer the cash strapped youngster that struggle to make ends meet and a few quids worth of model is not all that big a lose if all goes wrong.

With that in mind I am starting to plan out some grander scale or at least more extensive conversions, perhaps not as rich and extravagant as the Blanchitsu I see going on in places such as ironsleet  or Officio convertorum but a good starting place for me.

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