A stepped up a gear with my painting stripping experiments, not only have a splashed out (see what I did there?) on Meths but I have also now gone a step further and got myself a little acoustic cleaning thing too.
A week in the meths with a little light scrub from the brush every now and again was working quite well but slowly.
I found that you need to sort of "break into" a section for the meths to then really work well, so once you had scrubbed a toothbrush across a section by the next day the meths had really got into it
So this was a week in with a good scrub at the end with the tooth brush, not too bad but not amazing either. I would say to be honest it was better than the fairy power spray.
Then I when all out and got the acoustic cleaner. I had read a little about it and most I had heard was good so thought at £20 it would be rude not to give it a try.
The unit I went with has a little plastic tray to hold everything up, which I think must be pretty standard to all models
It also has a curved cradle for holding watches and jewellery but not too useful to me
30mins later and they are pretty damn good. Couple of tiny bits left but otherwise perfect.
A few learning points to take away from it. The acoustic cleaner warms the meths up quite a bit, a lot if I am honest. This had me sitting watching it quite a bit worrying that it would burst into flame but no combustion occurred thankfully!
The learning point came when getting the meths back out..... meths evaporates at room temperature quite well, WARM meths evaporates really well so when I tipped it up into my funnel to go back in the meths bottle I managed to get a lung full of vapour. As a one off I came off not too worse for ware but I certainly want to avoid it too often!
Meths and the acoustic cleaner seems a great combo and I certainly will be suing it going forward.