Saturday 11 April 2015

050 Way back when....

White Dwarf issue 141. Now I had been involved in the genre for a few years prior to this with HeroQuest, Space Crusade and Fighting Fantasy novels but this was when the whole Gamesworkshop, Warhammer and 40k dream began.

That gorgeous pink front page with the Eldar battling the encroaching hordes of the Orks will stay with me for years to come I am sure. Back then White Dwarf was packed, stuffed and chokablok with stuff. This one had a Battle report of Blood Angels vs Eldar, an epic too and fro which to my tender years seemed to have the balance of power teetering on the brink at every dice role. It had rules for Space Fleet, the precursor to Battlefleet Gothic of many years later, it had wood elves and conversion ideas and Golden Demon winners and countless other things besides.

This one magazine sparked years of 40k adventures and a Blood Angels army… then an Eldar Army…. then strangely an Imperial Guard army…

Over the years I ordered up as many earlier White Dwarfs as I could when pocket money allowed and while there was still a back catalogue to order from but 141 was always my first, where the fever started.

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