Sunday 25 January 2015

016 Bringing Order to Chaos - Thoughts on Chaos Styling

You will have probably noticed that my leanings are towards the Imperial when it comes to GW models, with Guard, Sisters, Inquisitors and the like (and with elements of Empire in the fantasy area) but thats not all there is.

I have a great love of all things chaotic but am turned away by much of the inelegance of the Chaos styling that we currently have. I am turned off by the random blobby horror, for me the mutations, the horrors, the daemons need to still have sex appeal!

I think a good way to explain it is to use a moving franchise as an example "alien" now in alien THE alien is a sexy beast with lots of weird additions to it, "mutations" one might say. It has the weird probe mouth, acid blood, mucus dripping everywhere but it is still beautiful in its way. Now compared that to the weird hybrid alien in Alien Resurrection (the one with winnow ryder thrown in) its ugly, crude and pathetic. Now its still "horrible" but its not cool.

I need my Daemons, mutants and possessed to have a "Wow" factor, clearly I have Slannesh whispering in my ear because I think its that they have to be pleasing to the eye. Now that not to say they are not horrifying or nauseating (I am a big fan of Nurglesk styling) but they need to not be just a random blob of mutant this on the side of a model.

So where am I going with this? Well there are an increasingly good number of Chaos models, and there has been for some time and I am having thoughts of getting a little more Chaotic with some of my painting. To that end I have a box of Daemonettes, who are sexy and horrifying, ready to go but the problem is I am struggling as to what to go with them

I am a Dan Abnett fan and you can't be that without at least a basic liking of some of the Chaos working he styles in his books. The Blood Pact for me are again the type of Chaos I am after. For me these are elite troopers who just happen to have a penchant for barbarity, they are crude in a brutal way rather than crude in an unsophisticated way and this is what I am after. For me they are as they appear in "Blood Pact" elite, motivated, driven soldiers who use everything at their disposal to win, be it lasguns and grenades or witchcraft and daemonic possession.

With my already extensive bits box of Guard items I am thinking with a few small additions it should be easy to get some Blood Pact going and fill in around them with the Chaos elements of my liking.

My goodness have I been turned to Chaos during my sojourn? Ha! Time will tell I guess.

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