Sunday 11 January 2015

003 Tools of the Trade

A dozen or more years of time and numerous house moves coupled with my generally negligent storage
techniques has meant that the vast majority of my modelling supplies, brushes, paints, tools and the
like have not survived to join me on my quest to find modelling joy in my later years.

As such i am on the hunt for new equipment and have been scouring the internet for ideas and inspiration.

Now before i get into what i have found and what i have still yet to track down i would note one thing,
oh my god but we pay a premium for things in the UK (well Europe as a whole really)!!

A lot of bloggers and forums are based in the states and when looking at some of their recommendations for
sale over there and then looking at those available back in good ole blighty..... those Americans have got
it good. Us poor buggers on the other side of the pond are often paying double the money!

Now I am not sure how much of this has to do with tax and shipping costs but for me given what a lot of
these things are it smacks of blatant over pricing for the European market. But i digress.

Now one of my areas for improvement has been the style and quality of my basing and with this in mind
(and some great inspiration from Wappellious) i have started getting ready for cork and sculpey base

I have got hold of some relatively cheap wood carving tools and a set of clay sculpting tools to help with
pre and post baked sculpey but as to the sculpey itself i am still trying to track down a cheaper supply.
I am looking for the original sculpey rather than the more advanced types and it seems to be harder to find.

Pinning of models is also something i wanted to try and hope it will fix some of the issues i used to have so
some good wire lengths and a pin vice have arrived. Now the pin vice was from Army Painter, I dont normally
go in for brand names but this one actually was showing cheaper so i thought why not? So far thats proved a
mistake! The collets (think chucks) within the drill don't suit the drill bits it comes with.... I have got in
touch with the supplier and they are sending me a replacement but its not a great start.

More is on the way with some useful little things i haven't tried winging their way to my door as i write;
a Sprue cutter, neodymium magnets, super glue accelerant, disposable paper palette and Master's Brush cleaner
to name but a few.

A slow start I know but stay with it!

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